Thursday, September 25, 2008


Two very exciting things happened this week:

1) my favourite cousin/uncle has been in town and we have been catching up just about every day after school -that has been wonderful. so really, friends, come and visit me -it'll make my week =)

2) We started anatomy this unit (the post-first-final madness has begun!)... which means that I have started having labs with cadavers. I am holding nothing back because if only everyone could start to try to understand some of the mysteries of the human body, I think the world would be a better place. To try to understand, and to love your own body, your own person, your own mortality even, and to see it in others -even if only felt for a moment, should not be kept a secret.

The first encounter is pretty much branded in my memory (for now anyway). Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. I am nervous as hell. Walking up the last couple of steps to the second floor of Strathcona, my heart decides to take a little bounce on some invisible emotional strings, and I am surprised it did not lodge itself in my trachea. They told us that how we are with our cadaver, this former person who in death has become our first patient, will tell us a lot of how we will be with our future patients, what kinds of doctors we will be. That's enough pressure to give your heart springs, forget the fact that you will actually be using a scalpel (after today, I will have used both a 15- and 20-blade, forceps, bone clippers and my fingers, obvi) and cutting through human flesh.

We walk into a big room with over 40 bodies covered with forest green shrouds. I walk over to #39 -the one to which I was assigned, along with three of my peers. The Prof. does her demo and we watch on the screens and rise onto our tiptoes to see it "for real". And then, we remove the cover, and cut open the clear plastic encasement. I look at her hair and notice the grey roots, and short auburn-dyed locks, there is a cloth on her face, but I know she's a woman. Some of the others are not sure though (hey, obese and even overweight men might appear to have larger breasts, so this is not as obvious as it may seem). One of the lab techs comes around and pulls the green cover lower to "check" -yes, she is a woman... probably died about 60-something, but how is a mystery to us. Her abdomen is a redish-brown discolour, and her skin is tough and leathery. All I could think about was "What was her name?" I think they don't tell us for confidentiality purposes. Anyway, I am the first one to suggest a name for her. I am in awe of her. I want to know who she is, what she did, did she love, how amazing that she would donate her body to us, so that we could learn from her even in her death. She may not have been a teacher in real life, but to be teaching us now... Our anatomy Prof. is obsessed with telling us about the Greek and Latin origins of all the words we're learning, so I'm also remembering Greg Nagy's "Greek Heroes".

"I think I'm going to call her 'Sophie'", I say. It just felt right. Sophie from 'sophos' or 'wise' -like the greatest 'teachers' in history.

I made the first cut, going from the right-most part of the clavicle medially down to the sternum, then down the middle, and then laterally again from the sixth rib. I thank Sophie for what we're going to learn from her. You don't know how thick skin is until you know how tough it is to cut through it. It really is an amazing organ and no wonder it protects us from so many pathogens. I am not scared, and unlike some of the others, I do not feel badly or guilty for cutting -Sophie wanted us to learn from her body, including any mistakes along the way. It would be okay. I quickly learn how much pressure to apply so that I can penetrate the skin, without going too deeply, but also without going too shallow. I am completely focused -this is how I can honour her, to be fully present with her, and do my best by her.

We were supposed to peel off the layer of skin, but bright orangey-yellow adipose tissue (fat tissue) provides us with a challenge. It is tough to get through, and there is a lot of fascia, lots of connective tissue before you hit any muscle. As we make our way through it, I feel a sudden sharp jab on my left index finger, there is a slit in my glove and blood seeps out -one of my teammates has accidentally cut me. I am told to wash it under cold water and am given a Band-Aid. I had been so worried about cutting myself. How ironic that it should happen by someone else's blade. I come back and we are starting to see some muscle. We are all working systematically, more or less professionally, but it hits me here hard: it looks like meat. Just like red meat. Meat, meat. Human muscle. Meat, meat. The bones of the ribcage are shiny, covered in some kind of connective tissue. But the muscles -and we identify pectoralis major and minor, and the small muscles along the side of the rib cage, and a couple of nerves. And then we are done. Close up shop and wash the scalpels and forceps.

But all I can think of is how strange I feel in my own body. This human body, this human animal body. I keep running my hands over my skin, pinching it, making it tight. Does it feel like leather? And all I see is the meat meat that's inside, Sophie had meat meat inside. And all I can smell still is the formaldehyde, which reminds me of the meat meat inside Sophie. You don't realize the concept that humans are animals, just like other animals, so viscerally until you've seen it. We are so very mortal. So very, very mortal. And Sophie, in her mortal life, and in death, gave us this special, special gift -she did not know me, but she gave it to me anyway, she trusted me anyway, and taught me anyway -that we're all going to die one day, and that our muscles will look like meat, meat. And our 'who we are' will no longer be there, and if we all had the good sense of not only being helpful and useful in life, but to be useful in death too -to serve even in death -that is special indeed. I was such a daze. Did I even know what it meant to really make it count in this life and this world? Sophie, sophos. If it was ever possible to feel 'mortality', I felt it on Tuesday.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Whatcha' learnin' anyway?

I keep meaning to mention this and always forget whenever I post -to tell you the overall themes of what I'm learning in any given week. So, you should know that this week we've been learning about Cancer (the Big C -that's right, at the level of oncogenes, tumor suppressors, tyrosine kinases, and clinical experiences of practicing physicians).

We have looked at Skin (or should I say, "Integument", which is skin and its appendages -i.e. nails, hair, etc. -which we have been particularly examining in a histological context -read, "labs where we look at tissues under microscopes", as well as "why/how tatoos work", "how hair regrows your skin after a 3rd degree burn", "what happens when you get goosebumps", why Collagen is the shiz, and of course how all of the above can be related back to, as our professor put it, "all the great sex you're having").

Embryology continues (as always -one of my faves, I have to admit), and we start on Nervous tissues tomorrow.

Also we have been studying genetics / epigenetics (like if this male has this disease, what is the probability that his parents were carriers -varies whether the disease is sex-linked or not -and what is the probability that his aunt and cousins will have the disease; and if he marries someone whose family history is totally unknown, then based on the population statistic and combined with the "penetrance" of the disease, what are the odds for his 3-kids to-be?).

Yeah. For reals. I can't believe our first final is next Friday. Allegedly, of our 95 multiple-choice Qs (of which none are -thank goodness -"type B" multiple choice questions -these are the multiple-choice-within-the-multiple-choice types: Blablabla. Statements 1,2,3,4. A: 1,2,3,4 B:1 and 2 only C: 2 and 3 only D: None of the above -I hate these) -some are bozo-easy, and others to quote the unit 1 director "rival War and Peace" -yes, this is a Tolstoy reference. Yes. Doctors apparently read Tolstoy (or at least know how long and complex it is!)...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Red Carpets and Firemen: T Dot Break

For those of you who are not down with the Canadian abbrevs, T Dot (or T. or T.O.) refers to the great rival city, Toronto. I was there this past weekend visiting some very good friends whom I had not seen in 3 whole years! The occasion now was for a 25th surprise birthday part which was a huge hit and an amazing experience (picture this: a city scavenger hunt via limosines, meeting up with mutual friends whom I also had not seen in a long while, hovering around the Red Carpet of the Toronto Film Festival, and seeing Deepah Mehta, almost seeing MJ Fox, Brian Adams, James Cameron and Steve Nash -we missed them by 15 minutes! -taking a photo inside a firetruck and having a really hot fireman ask you for a kiss... does it get any better than that? actually, it does -the company was fabulous throughout, and the food delish -my friends know how to eat! Remember this for life: if you don't enjoy food, spectacularly yummy food, we can't hang out anymore).

So... totally worth the 7-hour bus-ride each way.

Also, today I had the most amazing coincidence, running into an old friend that I had been thinking about this past week, when I was on the third floor of Mac Med ("Mac" being local shorthand for the McIntyre Medical Building at McGill). We will hopefully have tea soon (though not bubble tea, which I am still craving and missing very much).

I watched "House" for the first time this evening. No verdict yet -but leaning towards "I think it's kinda dumb".

By the way, I never actually kissed the fireman. Probably my biggest regret of the weekend. But let's be serious, this weekend had very little regret at all on the whole -a nice, escapey break indeed!

On a related note though, I've been trying to work on a new short story for the last few days and it's been so hard actually getting the time I need to write -so frustrating, because I started it and am in love with it already and just want to finish up the first draft already! Oh well, lots of cool meetings and more free lunch (tomorrow) this week to look forward to... and 3 histology labs 3 days in a row starting Wednesday. I know. Woohoo.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Rising Up

The title of this post is inspired by Yves Larock: "My dream is to fly, Over the Rainbow, So High..." -what a fab song, and he doesn't say much more than that (he does say, "Rise Up" though, surprisingly). Also, I am loving my new Dell XPS M1530.

Ah, indeed. I have survived Week 1. I have made some 'core friends' and hope to continue doing so -it's too soon to be hitting the 'meeting new people' plateau. I have adjusted somewhat to the idea of many hours of class in a day, and the idea of 19 Lectures in one week. Also public transportation is really not that bad -I'm getting used to waking up at 6:15 a.m. everyday, and I thank the powers that be for having class start an hour later tomorrow morning -an extra precious hour of sleep (well, actually, I'm using it right now, let's be serious -I'd be in bed already if it weren't for the late start!). What am I learning? Biochemistry, Nutrition (fascinating!), Embryology -essentially, reductionist science combined with clinical correlates for the study of "Molecules, Cells and Tissues".

I promised a "character" story for this post: well, firstly, I have identified "that kid" in our class -I've been trying to feel sorry for her rather than get annoyed by her. Today was a scorcher in Montreal though, as one of my friends so aptly put it, "It's Sweat-ember weather" -30 Celsius (that's about 90 F, folks) -and our afternoon class was in Strathcona, which has no AC or significantly openable windows, so we were more or less lulled to semi-consciousness during lectures -the annoyance with "that kid" was thus mitigated.

The weather on the long weekend however, was perfect. Dad and I went hiking up Mont Tremblant -it's been years since we'd done that, and it was wonderful. Fresh air, quality exercise, such satisfaction when you reach the top (much better than if you just took the gondola up, and incidentally, we caught a free ride back down). I had some delicious la tire in the Tremblant village (a ski-resort village, not a rural thing), which is boiled maple syrup poured onto a patch of snowy-ice, which you then roll onto a popsicle stick. We had some St. Hubert chicken and chicken wings for dinner -so hearty and yummy. And the best part (well, false, the parts I already mentioned were the best parts): I didn't open a single textbook or med school notes binder the whole day (and night)! The best holiday, really.

Anyway, I should get to bed now, it's getting late. Tomorrow should be a fun day though -Physicianship and bioethics stuff -"break day" as some like to call it. Hey, there are only so many molecular pathways and enzyme mechanisms one can enjoy looking at in any given day (this is not true of sperm, oocyte and embryo diagrams, which I have been finding very interesting, despite seeming-redundancy and increasing complexity). Keep cool and don't stress, friends.