Thursday, December 4, 2008

Nostalgia, Fatigue, Stream of Consciousness.

It has grown cold and windy. Sometimes there's ice, sometimes there's snow, but more often, rain of late. Makes me miss Cambridge like crazy. Also I spent an hour on YouTube yesterday watching clips of Harvard a capella (mostly the Veritones, not gonna lie). These two are my faves (unfortunately stellar Kuumba hits were not to be found... at least not by me!):

Din & Tonics:

The sun rises when I'm already on the bus on the way to school and feels like it sets shortly after lunch (it probably sets around 4:00 in real life). I have been craving sushi a lot lately. And chocolate, poutine and romance. I guess the last one is probably normal around this 'holiday' time of the year combined with the fact that our current unit is "The Life Cycle" -yes, it is the sex unit. Shout out to P. Ellison for teaching some mad solid reproductive endocrinology in evolutionary biology (bio anthro) a couple years ago -it is serving me well here.

But actually, I guess I am tired at last about talking about med school. Life outside of med school feels like, I don't know, coconuts growing on pine trees in the dead of winter, in Quebec. Rare. And wonderful. I'm sure I'll want to talk about it again at some point in the not-so-far-away future, but not now. I am tired now -my absolute refractory period for studying after taking an exam seems to have lengthened. I want to sleep a lot, I don't like waking up, but I love eating. I recently saw the new Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman (sexiest man alive indeed!) movie "Australia" -highly enjoyable. I am a "co-overseer" (read: co-pres) for the McGill Osler Society, "dedicated to raising awareness of the medical humanities", specifically responsible for finances (thank you WorldMUN for stamping me permanently with a "she is a legit money guarder" sign in all subsequent extra-curricular involvement ;), and helping organize the weekly lecture series.

I am going swimming later this evening and look forward to reuniting with a much missed "killer 8". This is Take 2. Take 1 was unsuccessful in setting up any kind of routine when I subsequently fell quite ill. But Take 2's a winner -I can feel it.

I need a haircut. I miss my sister very much -can't wait till she comes home. I want to read for pleasure. And I would like to spend a day watching movies with a common "theme" -like all Meg Ryan, or made in 1993, or nominated-but-did-not-win an Oscar, or starts with the letter "G", or has the word "after" in the title. I also would like to cook a very elaborate meal. Like a seven-course dinner or something for some people I love, and then play 'Taboo' or 'Pictionary' and have someone else make the same "When Harry Met Sally" reference that I would be thinking about and yell out "Baby- Fishmouth!" and then we would toss our hair and eat some shrimp and olives, and laugh so intensely it would be mute laughter.

Well that's a nice thought. But for now, back to catching up on that lecture I skipped yesterday morning in the name of sleep and sanity.


Unknown said...

P. Ellison!!!

and I really hope you find some time to do that common theme movie marathon-sounds like such a good idea

Stefan said...

the killer 8! Oh memories... :)

Love to ya