So good to be back home in Montreal! A great experience overall this summer though -nothing more to be said for now. The rest of my time in Dubai was pretty magical, restful, interesting and fun. I'm not really going to go into details about the rest of it. You know what they say about the number of words a picture's worth right... I actually disagree with that most of the time, but well, my last post was the words, this one's the pictures.
Above: Dubai Park across from the Ismaili Centre of Dubai.

Above: inside the Ismaili Centre Dubai (ICD) -that marble fountain was carved out of a single piece of marble, the walls and domes are all built of limestone, the architecture is in the Fatimid style, as I mentioned earlier, the coloured marble tiles in the fountain outside make the water always look like there's a breeze blowing through it even when it's still, the long hall of arches has an architectural special name (axial something?) where there's one "key stone" that if you removed it, all the domes would come crashing down, and that large room with the rectangular windows at the top is the gym for the Early Childhood learning facility inside the ICD.

At the top is Surat-Al-Fatiah which is in the reception of the Centre, the 7-sided star on the floor is the symbol of the ICD and that 7-sided dome is right above it and the only 7-sided dome in the whole world.
Of course, there's much other beauty in Dubai -below are some pics of views of the beach, Madinat Jumeirah, the Burj hotel, city views, etc...

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