Sunday, October 2, 2011

Rejuvenating 24-hour Call: Baby Love, Human Love!

There's something very special about that post-call day. The call itself can sometimes be rejuvenating, believe it or not. Regular days may be interesting enough, following clinic patients and getting into a bit of a groove. But life's pebbles can stick in your shoe every now and then -the little worries, the trivial fretting, wondering why this thing turned out that way, or why someone would say that, or why they didn't say that.

Then suddenly, you're in scrubs for 24 hours. Seeing a slew of patients on an unpredictable labour and delivery ward, running from here to there, room to OR, to triage and back to the OR, down for a quick coffee and back to the floor. And there's the adrenaline rush of those life and death-moment emergencies. The pleasure of surgery, the joy in a new mother's face, the cry of a newborn babe. And perhaps you catch a couples hours wink of sleep. But you finish that call, refreshed, centred, content. This is the stuff that matters. This is where I belong, where I make a difference, where I feel so fulfilled and blessed and happy. And all those silly nothing thoughts kind of don't matter so much. The act of loving in this total-human way, with the movements of your body, running here, retracting there, snipping, the activity of your mind thinking through possibilities, options for management, and your heart cradling space and bringing comfort to your patients... this act of loving is enough.

It's kind of a metaphysical graceland... maybe Paul Simon was right, maybe we all will be received in that place, even after we've lost love, found love, lost love... opened up those windows into our hearts, where "everyone sees you're blown apart". But we've all been blown apart before. The miracle and beauty of the whole thing is how sweetly it all comes back together. And our capacity to continue loving in every aspect of our life... that people feel more understood and more loved as they look through their own windows into ours, and heal.

And those lovely fresh newborn angels. As Dickens said (or wrote, most likely), "I love these little people; and it is not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from God, love us." It is also no slight thing when, hearts blown apart or not, we continue to love each other.

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